Energy management A complete energy consumption platform designed to save.

Check energy data broken down for each installation. Create dashboards in real time or check the consumption of a specific machine in a matter of minutes, or have a quick access to the most important data for you in an installation.

They trust OTEA to analyse their energy consumption

How does it work

Itemize the measurement and analysis of the energy consumption of your facilities

All the energy variables you can imagine can be connected and consulted in OTEA in a simple and orderly way. We classify the machines by area so that it is easy for you to access the consumption variables of each machine. In addition, OTEA is an open platform capable of integrating brands and machines of all kinds.


Connect facilities to OTEA

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Display data in an orderly manner

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Build boards in real time

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Make sure everything works correctly

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Step 01

Connect your facilities to OTEA

Consult hundreds of variables per installation in an easy and organized way. Whether you have a hotel or a supermarket chain, connect a multitude of management systems and devices to OTEA regardless of the brand, model or communication protocol they use.

Common types of systems and machines connected in OTEA

  • Air conditioning
  • Indoor and outdoor lighting
  • Ovens and industrial cold
  • Tanks
  • Fire control, access control or store alarm systems
  • Batteries, generator sets and inverters
  • Renewables
  • Car chargers

Step 02

View data in an organized way

Check variables organized by area and by machine to detect overconsumption and anomalies. Taking into account the nature of your business, we will build in OTEA a hierarchy of information typified by: different areas, type of systems and space to which it refers.

Example of cold information structure for supermarkets:

  • Cold
    • Chambers
      • meat chamber
      • dairy chamber
    • Platforms
      • Platform for prepared dishes

Step 03

Build boards in real time

Quickly access the most important data of your installation. Dashboards are fully customizable data panels that display the variables that matter most to you. You can create as many as you want using all kinds of variables and taking into account historical, real-time or accumulated data.

Types of boards available at OTEA:

  • User Dashboards: They show the variables of the machines and installations you choose.
  • Installation boards: They show the variables selected in the installation menu.
  • Megaboards: They show the variables for different installations

Step 04

Make sure everything is working properly

Have a quick access to the most important data of your installation. You choose which ones to show. You will check its status in real time (which will be updated every 5 seconds) and you will be able to directly create a historical graph to see how the data has evolved over the last hours, days, week or month. It will be very easy for you to detect anomalies or overconsumption.

And if you want to go further, use Ares to automate processes or create events to receive notifications or to program actions to modify values when consumption peaks are detected or a set point is exceeded.

OTEA for energy managers

A toolkit for improving energy performance

OTEA’s functionalities help energy managers save time and digitize even the smallest detail of their energy consumption.


You can reduce the price of your electricity bill, by having sufficient information to detect anomalies or overconsumption.


You can access the information you need quickly and neatly. OTEA processes, governs and ingests large volumes of data so that you can find what is relevant.


Reducing energy consumption means saving on your bills and reducing your volume of CO₂ emissions, turning your business into a more sustainable company.

Obtain itemized information on the electricity consumption of your facilities

Do you need more information?

Start controlling energy consumption.

Get in touch with us so that we can design a personalized strategy for your company.